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Thursday, January 06, 2005


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Alchemy is an early protoscientific practice combining elements of chemistry, physics, astrology, art, semiotics, metallurgy, medicine, mysticism, and religion. Two intertwined goals sought by many alchemists were the philosopher's stone, a mythical substance which would enable the transmutation of common metals into gold; and the universal panacea, a remedy that would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely. Alchemy can be regarded as the precursor of the modern science of chemistry prior to the formulation of the scientific method.

The word alchemy comes from the Arabic al-kimiya or al-khimiya, which is probably formed from the article al- and the Greek word khumeia (χυμεία) meaning "cast together", "pour together", "weld", "alloy", etc. (from khumatos, "that which is poured out, an ingot"). Another widely reported etymology links the word with "Al Kemi", meaning "the Egyptian Art", since Ancient Egyptians called their land "Kemi" and were widely regarded as powerful magicians throughout the ancient world. (more)

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