Directed study

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Symbolism of Proper Charges


Chief - Dominion and authority.

Cross - Chevron - Protection.

Fess - Military belt or girdle of honor.

Bar - For 'one who sets the bar of conscience, religion and honor against angry passions.

Pale - Military strength and fortitude.

Palet - Same as Pale.

Pile - Same as Pale.

Canton - Bearing of honor. When borne charged, it often contains some special symbols
granted by the sovereign in reward for the performance of eminent service.

Quarter - Bearing of honor. Similar to the Canton.

Bend - Defense or protection.

Battune Sinister - Marks a royal descent that is barred by illegitimacy from succession to
the throne.

Orle or Tressure - Preservation or protection.

Flasques - Given by a king for virtue and learning, and especially for service in embassage.

Voiders - Given to gentlewomen who have deserved highly.

Bordure or Border - Frequently adopted as a 'difference' between relatives bearing the
same arms.


Extremely useful site describing ordinaries

Diminutives of the Ordinaries

More on Symbolism of Ordinaries

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